Crossing the Line #3: Global Drawing
Crossing the Line #3: Global Drawing
A one day symposium on contemporary drawing at SACI, Florence, 6th November 2015.
A conferência CROSSING THE LINE 3 - GLOBAL DRAWING reune especialistas de vários campos de pesquisa e práticas para examinar o papel do desenho no mundo globalizado de hoje com suas interações internacionais mais amplas e em relação às diversas especificidades culturais e artísticas locais. Ele é organizado pelo Global Centre for Drawing (Centro Global para o Desenho), Melbourne, Austrália, com a participação do Núcleo de Artes e Cultura do CEPAOS, São Paulo, em parceria com SACI, Florença e a colaboração do Departamento de Comunicação Visual, da Faculdade de Arquitetura, Arte e Design na American University in Dubai.
The symposium “Crossing the Line#3: Global Drawing“, accompanies the exhibition “Contemporary Australian Drawing #6”, a travelling exhibition of 100 Australian artworks, exhibited in facsimile form in Florence, opening on November 6, 2015.
The exhibition and symposium is funded by The Metasenta Foundation and the Global Centre for Drawing, with the American University of Dubai supporting the Middle Eastern contingent, and SACI providing the symposium space.
Symposium Chair and International Director: Dr Irene Barberis
Firenze Chair: Dean of SACI, David Davidson
Middle Eastern Chair: Professor Julia Townsend
Chair of Publications: Dr Marcelo Guimeraes Lima
Keynote speaker: Dr Janet McKenzie, Author, writer and Artist, Senior Research Fellow University of Dundee.
“Crossing the Line#3: Global Drawing - intersections of transdisciplinary practice and understanding will bring together specialists from various fields of research and practices to examine the role of drawing globally. Drawing as medium, as a tool, as notation, performance, and as a specific mode of thinking and imagining in the processes of invention, production, reproduction and communication within and across fields and disciplines: from art to science, from technology to ideology and cultural practices.
The trans-disciplinary approach of the symposium will highlight the specificities, as well as the commonalities of the various dimensions, fields, forms and uses of drawing, broadly defined as the production and extension of lines in space, as the creation of meaning by marking surfaces, as the creation and fixation of visible paths that record and communicate patterns of temporal-spatial experiences.
In this sense, drawing is the activity and product that makes explicit the interrelationships of flow and form in mental life. It mediates the flux of internal processes and allows the objectification of mental constructs and operations into practical-material as well as perceptual-symbolic entities.
The central notion of Crossing the Line emphasizes the act and the idea of drawing as, on one hand, the setting of clear boundaries defining symbolic and material entities within a representational field and representational practices, while at the same time stressing the relational nature of all formalizing processes and constructs, of meaning making and communicative processes in general.
In this sense, to draw is at the same time to establish a limit and to surpass it, it is to define the interrelated positive and negative components of any configuration. To draw is to create a boundary that is also an interface between domains, territories, modes of thinking and corresponding modes of being. To create a line is to produce a vector of thought and action, and in this sense, to mark a boundary is already to cross it, that is: drawing is a trans-formative process; it is the creation of new paths, new relationships, new configurations of knowledge.”
Dr Marcelo Guimarães Lima, Dr Irene Barberis
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